On behalf of the Organizing Committee for the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2019) we invite you to participate in the conference as a supporter or exhibitor.
SIGIR is a major international forum for presentation of the latest state-of-the-art research and demonstration of new systems and methods for connecting people with information: from Web search engines, recommender systems, and social network technology to compelling applications in health, legal, educational, and other domains, research at SIGIR spans both academia and industry.
As a top-tier international conference affiliated with the main computer science professional organization, the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), SIGIR is attended by many of the world’s top researchers and practitioners who work in research areas that include information retrieval, data mining and machine learning, human-computer interaction, natural language processing, and more. The ACM SIGIR Conference is the gathering place for current and future leaders and innovators from all over the world to discuss and present the state of the art in connecting people with information.
The conference also hosts top Ph.D. students from the most prestigious institutions in computer and information science, and will host a number of events bringing together academia and industry.
We look forward to seeing you in Paris, France in 2019!
Benjamin Piwowarski, Eric Gaussier & Max Chevalier General Co-Chairs sigir2019-sponsors@poleia.lip6.fr
Major Sponsorships
Exposant space
Specific opportunities and events
All supporters will receive a set of standard benefits as outlined below, with additional benefits for each level summarized in the following description. The conference organizers are also happy to tailor alternative opportunities to suit your needs. To maximize your options and publicity exposure, please confirm your participation by the earliest date possible.
Standard benefits for all supporters:
- Recognition as a supporter, with organization logo, in the conference program.
- Recognition as a supporter, with organization logo, on the Supporters Page of the official SIGIR 2019 website, with hyperlink to your organization’s home page.
- Recognition as a supporter on the official acknowledgement board onsite at the Conference.
- Use of the Conference logo until the end of July 2019.
Diamond supporter (50,000 €)
The diamond supporter package includes all the standard sponsorship benefits and entitlements outlined on the Standard Benefits section, plus other that will be discussed with the supporter.
Platinum supporter (30,000 €)
The Platinum supporter package includes all the standard sponsorship benefits and entitlements outlined on the Standard Benefits section, plus:
- Six (6) complimentary conference delegate registrations (full Passport to all events).
- Two (2) complimentary exhibitor (booth-only) registrations.
- Recognition as host of a selected conference event, with priority in selection over other sponsors. (A list of possible Sponsorship Events and Opportunities will be made available.)
- Option to speak to audience at their hosted event.
- The supporter may provide a freestanding banner that will be positioned in the main conference registration area for the duration of the Conference (max size 2m high x 1m wide).
- Prominent placement of a large logo with link on the homepage of the main Conference website.
- Verbal acknowledgement as a Platinum Supporter during the opening and closing sessions of the Conference.
- One exhibition booth located in a prominent conference location (with priority in booth selection).
- 100-word profile and supporter logo in the Conference Program.
- Full-page advertising space in the Conference Program (with artwork supplied by the supporter).
- Large logo on selected other Conference promotional materials.
- Promotional brochure (max. A4 size, 4 pages folded per brochure) or promotional CD to be inserted the registration satchel (with material supplied by the supporter. Promotional item must be approved by SIGIR).
Gold supporter (20,000 €)
The Gold supporter package includes all the standard sponsorship benefits and entitlements outlined on the Standard Benefits section, plus:
- Four (4) complimentary conference delegate registrations (full Passport to all events).
- One (1) complimentary exhibitor (booth-only) registration.
- Recognition as host of a selected conference event. (A list of possible Sponsorship Events and Opportunities will be made available.)
- Option to speak to audience at their hosted event.
- Special prominent placement of large logo with link on the homepage of the main Conference website.
- Verbal acknowledgement as a Gold Supporter during the opening and closing sessions of the Conference.
- One exhibition booth located in a prominent conference location (with priority in booth selection).
- 75-word profile and supporter logo in the Conference Program.
- Half-page advertising space in the Conference Program (with artwork supplied by the supporter).
- Large logo on selected other Conference promotional materials.
- Promotional brochure (max. A4 size, 4 pages folded per brochure) or promotional CD to be inserted the registration satchel (with material supplied by the supporter. (Promotional item must be approved by SIGIR).
Silver supporter (10,000 €)
The Silver supporter package includes all the standard sponsorship benefits and entitlements outlined on the Standard Benefits section, plus:
- Two (2) complimentary conference delegate registrations (full Passport to all events).
- One (1) complimentary exhibitor (booth-only) registration.
- Placement of a medium-sized logo with link on the homepage of the main Conference website.
- One exhibition booth located in a prominent conference location.
- 75-word profile and supporter logo in the Conference Program.
- Half-page advertising space in the Conference Program (with artwork supplied by the supporter).
- Medium-size logo on selected other Conference promotional materials.
- Promotional brochure (max. A4 size, 4 pages folded per brochure).
Bronze supporter (5,000 €)
The Bronze supporter package includes all the standard sponsorship benefits and entitlements outlined on the Standard Benefits section, plus:
- One (1) complimentary conference delegate registration (full Passport to all events).
- Placement of a small logo with link on the homepage of the main Conference website.
- 50-word profile and supporter logo in the Conference Program.
- Small logo on selected other Conference promotional materials.
- Promotional brochure in registration satchel (max. A4 size, 4 pages folded per brochure).
Additional Opportunities
- Stationary (3,000€ : exclusive)
- Pens and notepads provided by the supporter will be included in the satchel.
- Exhibitor (1,000€ : max. 5 supporters)
- Recognition as an exhibitor (with organization logo) in the Conference program
- Recognition as an exhibitor (with organization logo) in the Supporters section of the SIGIR conference Web site, including a hyperlink to the organization’s home page.
- One exhibition table (approx. 1.8 x 0.45m) located in a dedicated exhibition area for the duration of the main conference.
- One exhibitor registration (covers access to exhibition areas Mon-Wed)
- Exhibitors are limited to publishers only.
- Satchel inserts (1,000€ : max. 10 supporters)
- Promotional brochure of up to four pages inserted in registration satchel (brochure provided by supporter).
Any promotional materials to be included in the registration packet are subject to approval by the SIGIR 2019 General Chairs.