
Please find below the latest news from SIGIR 2019!

2019-07-25 – This is the end

SIGIR 2019 is now over - we hope you enjoyed it, and that you had a nice trip home. Recorded talks will be soon be online, and we will update the website with it.

Don’t forget to send us the pictures of your flowers made of SIGIR 2019 bags!

See you in Xi’An, China, in 2020!

2019-07-17 – Welcome

We are getting ready for SIGIR 2019! We will use will use the Whova app (ios and android) for sharing information and check-in (not required, so no obligation) - if you have not received an invitation email, please let us know by emailing SIGIR 2019 registration desk. Please stay tuned on our twitter channel for conference updates.

2019-04-29 – Doctorial Consortium Schedule

You can now find the Doctorial Consortium schedule on our website.

2019-04-27 – Tutorials

You can now find the detailed list of tutorials on our website.

2019-04-25 – Registration Open

Registration for SIGIR 2019 is now open! Go to the registration page to view registration items and benefits, as well as general information on the conference.

2019-04-23 – Accepted Papers

Accepted short and long papers are listed here.

2019-04-20 – Accomodation

Book an accomodation early: got to this page.

2019-04-04 – Workshops announced

The SIGIR 2019 workshop program will host 8 workshops covering new ideas and emerging topics or areas related to Information Retrieval. Find the full list on the workshop page

SIGIR 2019 Sponsors






Additional Sponsors