•SIGIR 2014 is over. The chairs would like to thank all those involved. We look forward to seeing you at SIGIR 2015
•The Proceedings of SIGIR 2014 are in the ACM Digital Library
•Some tutorial authors have made their materials available, check the SIGIR 2014 Tutorials page.

Special Interest Group On Information Retrieval

#Copyright (c)Mark Burgin, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported #Image courtesy of Gold Coast Tourism #Image courtesy of Gold Coast Tourism #Image courtesy of Gold Coast Tourism #Image courtesy of Gold Coast Tourism #Image courtesy of Gold Coast Tourism


SIGIR 2014 Information

We hope you can join us for six days papers, posters, demonstrations, tutorials, workshops and social events focused on research and development in the area of information retrieval, also known as search. The conference will bring together several hundred researchers, academic faculty, students, industry leaders and others. Conference sponsors include some of the major commercial names in search.

SIGIR 2014 Information

The SIGIR 2014 meeting begins on Sunday, July 6, 2014 with a day of Doctoral Consortium, an event that is limited to doctoral students who have been selected to participate. The Tutorials will take place on the second day, some of which are half-day and some of which are full-day. The final day hosts workshops on a variety of Information Retrieval topics.