SIGIR welcomes contributions related to any aspect of information retrieval and access, including theories, foundations, algorithms, evaluation, analysis and applications.
We invite researchers to submit original short papers, which will be presented as posters at the conference.
This track seeks submissions that describe resources available to the community, the process and methodology of building those resources, and/or the lessons learned.
We solicit papers with a well-supported argument for research in an area that deserves more attention by the SIGIR community.
SIGIR 2022 solicits proposals for both half and full-day tutorials covering topics relevant to the field of information retrieval and its applications.
We encourage prospective workshop organizers to submit proposals for highly interactive workshops focusing on either in-depth analysis or broad-ranging approaches to information retrieval.
The Doctoral Consortium provides a forum where doctoral students can present and discuss their research with experienced IR researchers.
Demonstrations present first-hand experience with research prototypes or operational systems.
The Reproducibility Papers Track solicits papers that repeat, reproduce, generalize, and analyze prior work with a strong impact on information retrieval. The focus of this track is on generating new findings of established approaches akin to a test of time.
We aim to provide an opportunity for researchers, engineers, practitioners, analysts and consumers to meet and discuss the latest and greatest IR technologies as deployed in companies, big and small, and to be the premier forum for knowledge sharing across the boundary between academia and industry.